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Non-Destructive Metal Testing In-House

NDT Inspection & Testing Methods for Cast & Machined Parts

Non-destructive testing (NDT) allows for components, metals and mission-critical products to be tested without damaging the integrity of the part or material. Through our sister company American Metal Testing (AMT)—our NADCAP-approved non-destructive testing lab—Aero Metals is able to offer ISO 9001:2015-certified non-destructive testing services, including fluorescent penetrant testing, radiographic inspection and magnetic particle inspection.

American Metal Testing’s processes ensure your investment castings are of the highest structural and metallurgical integrity. AMT’s skilled inspectors are dedicated to making sure investment castings are compliant with industry standards while utilizing the most efficient testing procedures available for faster turnaround times.

Request a Quote on AMT’s specialized NDT services or Contact Us with any questions you might have.

NDT Inspection & Testing Methods

Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection

Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection (FPI) is a non-destructive testing technique used to detect surface defects such as cracks, inclusions and porosity in metallic and non-metallic components. FPI follows five primary steps: pre-cleaning, application of penetrant, excess penetrant removal, inspection, and post-cleaning.

Radiographic Inspection

X-Ray NDT testing uses the ability of short wavelength electromagnetic (ionizing) radiation (high energy photons) to penetrate various both ferrous and non-ferrous materials. The radiation diminishes as it penetrates the parts, allowing us to determine the thickness or composition of the material. Benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Detects both surface and subsurface defects
  • Verifies internal flaws on complex structures
  • Can inspect finished components

Magnetic Particle Inspection

Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT) is a non-destructive testing method used to detect surface and subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials. MPT, or MPI, passes a high-amperage, low-voltage current through the part to detect discontinuities in the material.

Visit American Metal Testing site for certified testing services. Not sure which NDT method is right for your application? Contact Us and let us find an NDT solution to meet your needs.

Certified NDT Testing Services

Aero Metals is certified to the internationally accepted Quality System Standard ISO 9001:2015. Those principles and processes begin in the quoting department and extend all the way through to when the parts are installed at your facility and, ultimately, put to work by your customers. American Metal Testing (AMT)—our NADCAP-approved non-destructive metal testing lab—ensures the highest structural and metallurgical integrity of your investment castings. Components are routinely certified per Military, ASTM, ASME, SAE and other stringent specifications.

For the highest quality assurance, Aero Metals uses Statistical Process Control (SPC) techniques throughout the investment cast process.

Metallurgical NDT Testing for Multiple Industries

Through the use of sophisticated microscopes, Aero Metals can thoroughly inspect your finished metal components for soundness and purity. Our services are compliant with Qualified Manufacturers List (QML) and Aerospace Quality System (AC7004) standards. AMT has experience testing mission-critical parts for the most demanding industries, including:

  • Aerospace industries
  • Manufacturing of castings and machining
  • Military defense
  • Wind Energy
  • Transportation industries & more

Contact Aero Metals for NDT Testing For Castings & Machined Parts

Visit American Metal Testing’s NDT services page directly for NDT testing services to meet your needs or Contact Us with any questions you might have.

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

For the highest quality assurance, Aero Metals uses Statistical Process Control (SPC) techniques throughout the investment cast process.

Microscopic Metal

Through the use of sophisticated microscopes, Aero Metals can thoroughly inspect your finished metal components for soundness and purity.
Shown above is microscopic metal.

Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) Non-Destructive Testing

Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI)
Non-Destructive Testing


Radiographic or X-ray Non-Destructive Testing

Dye Penetrant and Fluorescent Powder Testing

Dye Penetrant and Fluorescent Powder Testing

Dye Penetrant and Fluorescent Powder Testing

Dye Penetrant and Fluorescent Powder Testing

Non Destructive Metal Testing Certificate

Non-Destructive Metal Testing Certificate

Aerospace Quality Certificate

Aerospace Quality System (AC7004)